Friday, February 27, 2009

仕事ができる人はなぜ筋トレをするのか (幻冬舎新書) (新書)~山本ケイイチ

It was intersting to focus on the common concept of training business skills and building muscles. However I was rather inpressed by the fact that aerobic excercise may cause a bad effect for your skin! It is because of the radical (active) oxygen produced by the excercise. Also it was said that body building would not fit for women. So, what should I do next??

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


The statements were explained with analogies and Q & A in each chapter which were concise and to the point. Could not understand all (such as funds management) however could empathise with the usability of Google which I use everyday!

Monday, February 9, 2009


All the care you need for your brain, is positive thinking. As said in many books we only use 2 or 3 % of brain in our life. Some methods of using the rest of it.

Most of the author's advise was something I try to do in my everyday life:
Don't forget to thank people, my actual life, and the way it is.
Clear off anything that is negative.
Feel love in mind toward yourself and others.
Say a loving word to people who you love.
Forgive people.
And here is the list of things I am really trying to do, but with some difficulty...
Eat healthy for your brain << though I'm addicted to sweets...
Sleep at 10pm!!
These seem very ambigue and lameness, however they are proved scientifically in the book. I wanted to know a lot more about how to produce the effective chemical substances necessary for brain from food.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


I didn't agree with all the statements, but as a beginner of managing money, some advise were useful:

1/ A housewife don't need to take out a death insurance (because there is no financial problem after her death who doesn't have an income) .
2/ Saving a cup of coffee per day for 3 years can offer you a holiday abroad.
3/ Paying any comission is useless. Try never to pay them... which happens to me when I forget returning DVD at a rental shop on time the penalty fee is charged.

Throughout the book I could glimpse somewhat the author's religious moral ideas which was not infamiliar but seemed too much to mention in this book. However the author might have considered the low mentality of young people in their 20s and decided to mention what is right and what is wrong.

Sunday, February 1, 2009


one of the best books I've read recently. A lazy person is nobody but me and the author's advise penetrated directly in my mind. I've copied every 55 methods in my notebook in order to reach one method per day.
For example, here are some of them:
If you are lazy then, ...
  1. ... don't be late. It bothers if y ou have to apologize as you arrive, and you and your partner will be spending the rest of the day feeling uncosy.
  2. ... book everything you need. Without a goal you'll be lost when you arrive at your destination.
  3. ... search from end to end before you try. For example if you lack of information about a restaurant where you want to offer your partner a good hospitality but the service is bad then it will bother both of you.
  4. ... read deeply a manual book when you buy a new electric equipment.
  5. ... buy a new PC every 4 months. PC's capacity is filled easily and can slow down your work.
etc. ...
And here are the advise that seemed important and necessary for me:
  1. Listen to others instead of talking. Listening can bring you benefit, while by talking you can lose something.
  2. Don't insist on give-and-take stance. You'd be blind of what you really need in long-term, it takes away a room in your heart and destroy trust from others. To build trust, just contribute to the situation you need to solve or even to the others.
I'll try to keep them in mind each day but what I need badly now is to give up chocolate drinks at Starbucks everyday while reading...